003 → Enfolded
Maternity Center

Kaira Looro 2024

Team: Yanci Chen, Jing Chen

The site is gracefully divided by a diagonal rammed earth wall, naturally forming two distinct realms, each with its own spatial poetry. Facing the main road, one side extends a welcoming embrace, while the other offers a tranquil, secure, and introspective haven. These realms are gently connected by an intimate hallway, sheltered beneath the protective span of two wing-like structures.

Our design is deeply rooted in the vernacular architecture of the region, weaving together the earthy warmth of rammed earth and bamboo. In the birthing area, the corridor is equipped with the rustic charm of tree trunk seating for relatives to wait and visit their beloved ones, and the vibrant beauty of local decorative fabrics in the wards can provide an intimate bonding for pregnant women. Beneath the west wing, a private terrace unfolds, inviting mothers to bask in peaceful vistas and engage in walking and recovering exercises. The east wing cradles a sunken gathering space, a sacred nook for prayer and meditation to celebrate the coming of new life and mourn the possible loss of life. To the south, a garden unfurls with curved walls, like a soft womb, planted with flora, embracing a serene showering area within its lush embrace. The essence of our concept is both spatially eloquent and constructively pure. 

The main structure, composed of rammed earth, supports a light and airy, wing-like canopy. Local bamboo sheets infuse the space with a cozy, intimate feel, while a corrugated sheet metal roof promises simplicity in installation and maintenance. Draped in local fabrics, the interior evokes a sense of home and celebrates the local aesthetic culture. A bamboo fence, filtering the light of day, brings coolness and a gentle breeze, whispering tales of tradition and tranquility.

Hence, our proposed maternity center in rural southern Senegal combines the protective warmth of a mother hen's wing. Through its thoughtful design and use of local materials, the center aims to provide a safe, respectful, and supportive space for women during childbirth. By addressing essential needs such as hygiene, accessibility, and healthcare provision, it strives to reduce maternal mortality rates and ensure universal access to quality medical care. This center stands as a beacon of hope, fostering the well-being of mothers and newborns in rural Senegal.

Entry View

Corridor View

Labor Room View